Touchdowns for Kids co-founders Tad Taube and John York present the $300,000.00 check to the benefitting organizations on March 11.
With each touchdown, field goal, interception or sack, much needed funding is directed toward improving the lives of local youth in need via the Taube Family Foundation and Koret Foundation Touchdowns for Kids Program. For the 2013 season, Touchdowns for Kids raised $300,000.00 for six San Francisco Bay Area organizations: 49ers Academy, Breakthrough Silicon Valley, East Palo Alto Tennis and Tutoring Project, Juma Ventures, Navy Seal Foundation–Family Support Program, and Silicon Valley Education Foundation. At a special ceremony on March 11, Touchdowns for Kids co-founders John York and Tad Taube presented the award checks to the organizations, followed by a 49ers youth football activity.