Batory Foundation
The mission of the Batory Foundation is to build an open, democratic society - a society of people aware of their rights and responsibilities, who are actively involved in the life of their local community, country and international society.>>
Contemporary Jewish Museum
The Contemporary Jewish Museum (The CJM) has distinguished itself as a welcoming place where visitors can connect with one another through dialogue and shared experiences with the arts.>>
Koret Foundation
We are a private foundation based in San Francisco, committed to strengthening the Bay Area community and nurturing the continuity of the Jewish people worldwide.>>
Emanuel Ringelblum Jewish Historical Institute
Jewish Historical Institute is one of the most important research institutes concerning Polish and Central European Jews. The Archive of the Warsaw Ghetto is a testimony to one-of-a-kind posthumous intellectual success..>>
Jewish Culture Festival, Krakow
Jewish Culture Festival in Krakow is the largest presentation of contemporary culture created by the Jews in Israel and the entire Diaspora. The first edition of the festival inaugurated an important process of regaining Jewish identity of our country.>>
Taube Center for Jewish Studies at Stanford
The Taube Center for Jewish Studies offers an interdisciplinary program for the study and understanding of Jewish cultures, literatures, languages, religion, politics, and history.>>