“CrashCourse Football”
The Taube Stanford Concussion Collaborative’s “CrashCourse Football” Initiative was announced at the Stanford-USC Football Game on September 8. Taube Philanthropies’ grant of $5 million to the Lucile Packard Foundation for Children’s Health and TeachAids (together forming the “Collaborative”) has supported the online education initiative “CrashCourseFootball,” correcting misconceptions about concussions, increasing concussion reporting, and gathering clinical data. The soft launch at the Stanford-USC game included the release of CrashCourse Football. The Stanford players were led by Coach David Shaw wearing “CrashCourse” T-shirts on their walk to the stadium. The game itself included PSA media spots on the Jumbotron, the special FanFest area booth featured a full curriculum HD video, and the large Taube Tennis Stadium TV Monitors played the materials for everyone walking to the game.